Frequently Asked Questions




What type of feedstock is BioReact AD suitable for?

BioReact AD can be successfully applied to any type of feedstock to enhance biogas generation: swine manure, cow manure, chicken manure, food waste, biosolids from municipal wastewater treatment, and industrial wastewater including sludge from pulp and paper mills and high cellulosic waste.

Is the formulation of BioReact AD’s microbial consortium tailored to each type of feedstock?

Drylet’s biocatalyst comes preloaded with the species that boost hydrolysis across all substrates. The process for hydrolysis is similar across all substrate types since all are fundamentally made up of macronutrients such as carbs, FOG, proteins, and alcohol, regardless of source. What might vary is the specific nature of the carbs, fats, alcohol and proteins in the feedstock (in cattle manure, for example, the carbs include straw from feed which is cellulosic and harder to degrade.) The types of viruses that might be present in different sludge systems also vary, however the protective particle within which the microbes are embedded ensures their viability regardless of the type of substrate or presence of viral organisms or predators.

How is the dosage of BioReact AD determined?

The amount of product dosed depends on the incremental gas generation being targeted. Generally, Drylet’s biocatalyst can boost gas generation by about 30% over the existing baseline, with 1 Ib of product generating about 5,000 ft3 of incremental biogas.

Reach out to us so we may give you the answer that is accurate for your operations:

Does BioReact AD require continuous daily dosing? 

Dosing depends on the targeted gas increment and the Solids Retention Time. Some customers dose once or twice a year, while others dose daily. Are your digesters situated at wastewater plants, or are they farm-based or food-waste digesters? Are operators onsite daily? All those factors help determine what dosage strategy is optimal.

Reach out to us so we may give you the answer that is accurate for your operations:

How long is BioReact AD retained in the treatment process?

Its retention time is identical to the Solids Retention Time (SRT) in the digester.

What happens to BioReact AD in the digestate? Does it end up in the environment?

Dylet’s biocatalyst makes up less than about 10 ppm of the digester volume. It does end up in the environment. Because BioReact AD is made from food-grade, natural products, it is safe for human, animal, and aquatic life.

What impact does BioReact AD have on gas composition? Does it promote methane production or reduce hydrogen sulfide gas production?

BioReact AD leaves gas composition unchanged. Reductions in hydrogen sulfide (H2S) have been observed in many instances.

Will BioReact AD impact my Carbon Intensity (CI) score under the CARB Low-Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) program or Renewable Identification Number (RIN) designations under the EPA’s Renewable Fuel Standards (RFS) program?

The EPA has already determined that using BioReact AD to generate more RNG does not compromise your registered fuel pathway in any way. We are still awaiting CARB’s decision.

What benefits can be earned from applying Drylet’s BioReact AD?

Drylet’s biocatalyst enhances biogas generation with no additional capital expense (CAPEX). 1 Ib of product can generate as much as 500 to 1,000 Ib of incremental solids reduction a about 5,000 ft3 of incremental biogas. Simultaneously, the sludge reduction leads to lower sludge management costs, potentially generating substantial savings. If you are working on specific projects, we will be glad to connect with you to help you evaluate the specific value proposition you can expect from using BioReact AD. Reach out to us at

How do I find out how much BioReact AD can benefit my operations?

  1. Contact us to schedule an intro call or directly fill in the questionnaire for your AD project.
  2. Drylet analyzes your data.
  3. Drylet provides you with an assessment of feasible biogas-boost target goals and suggested dosing protocol.
  4. Based on this data, you decide whether to proceed with a risk-free 3-month period. Drylet wins only if you win. No biogas boost and no additional energy revenue generated? You owe Drylet nothing for the product you have used and for the technical support we provided. That’s how confident we are in the effectiveness of our process and solution.