42% Solids Reduction in Industrial Lagoon System
Drylet was tasked with applying its solution to a facility that was experiencing difficulties with breaking down accumulated solids in its wastewater lagoons system, compromising performance. The covered anaerobic lagoons had become walkable as if paved with concrete, while flaring had dropped from 12 to 2 hours daily. Mechanical dredging would have destroyed the established AD ecosystem in the lagoon. Applying 2,370 lbs of Bio Dredger biocatalyst led to the destruction of 1,267,738 lbs of solids (42%). The impact is best seen in the open aerobic lagoon, as shown in the video.
This facility is comprised of two covered anaerobic lagoons, followed by three open aerobic lagoons, and a finishing pond. Drylet took measurements of COD* over the course of the treatment period, analyzing the influent (point 1), first anaerobic digester effluent (point 2), second anaerobic digester effluent (point 3), first aerobic lagoon effluent (point 4), second aerobic lagoon effluent (point 5), final aerobic lagoon effluent (point 6), and the finishing pond (point 7). A typical response to solids breakdown is shown by the results in the graph below.
* Chemical Oxygen Demand is the amount of oxygen needed to oxidize the organic matter present in water; it is used to measure organic matter in wastewater, treated effluent, etc.
The peak in COD concentration for point 3 (anaerobic lagoon #2 effluent) is indicative of cell lysing of the accumulated cell debris, in addition to decomposition of the solid phase accumulation of fats, oil, proteins, and greases in the anaerobic digester system. The breakdown of this material releases soluble COD and particulate COD which goes on to be treated downstream in the aerobic lagoons, as can be seen on the graph.
The solids destruction rate of 571 pounds of solids per pound of product that was achieved in this case is in the typical range observed when using the product for lagoon systems.