ManureMagic™ is a patented product that can help support successful manure management programs throughout the world, such as field applications as fertilizer, because of its ability to liquefy the manure, which makes it much easier to administer.

Application Examples

The increase in regulatory requirements in dealing with animal waste solids has required growers to closely evaluate their internal precesses and disposal options. ManureMagic utilizes our patented DryLet Support System to deliver >200 billion (cfu/g) living organisms in millions of nanobioreactors.

The billions of robust microbes contained in ManureMagic thrive by consuming the manure of pigs, cows and poultry and significantly reduce the following issues in an agricultural feeding operation:

  • Organic Solids
  • Crusting
  • Sludge
  • Odors
  • Fly Reproduction
  • Gas / Foam Build-up


ManureMagic™ Advantages Over Liquid Treatments

  • Adheres to solid in water
  • Delivers more than 100 times higher microbial counts than traditionally found in other microbial products
  • Delivers millions of nanobioreactors, that contains billions of microbes, directly to the sludge food source
  • Nanobioreactors embed in sludge layers and produce millions of additional colonies that keep the sludge liquefied
  • Greatly reduces cost associated with pumping pits, lagoons or tanks

ManureMagic™ Field Tests

Iowa Trial Comparisons
Product Applied August 2012
(Time Between Photos is 30 Days)

Customer Result

  • Eliminated methane build-up
  • Eliminated pit crusting
  • Eliminated millions of flies
  • Eliminated solids in pits
  • Eliminated the need to agitate pits before pumping
  • Eliminated odor complaints since treatment